The purpose of this blog is to give you some interesting articles to help you practice your reading comprehension, improve your vocabulary, give you some useful tips and interesting articles to keep you motivated on your English learning journey. Content will be added regularly.
Happy reading !
Bless you! It’s springtime – the pros and cons of the spring.
Comment parler des allergies printanières
8 Tips to talk about Sports (Hint- we don’t “practise” sport!)
It’s ski season, but how do you talk about skiing? It is sometimes difficult to find the right words to talk about sports and activities. Here are some simple tips that you can follow.
Did Romeo love to climb balconies or love climbing balconies? That is the question…
How to talk about love : grammar and expressions for Valentine’s Day.
Mardi Gras, diets and fasting
Vocabulaire et expressions pour parler du jeûne et des régimes
10 Good habits to improve your English
10 bonnes habitudes pour améliorer votre anglais. Idées pour vous aider à utiliser une approche « un peu mais souvent » de l’apprentissage des langues
Introducing Ed App – Microlearning and how it can help you
Microlearning available to students
Make and keep your New year’s resolutions SMART!
Vocabulary, tips and grammar to discuss resolutions
5 Tips to help you love English grammar
English Grammar is your learning ally and not your enemy ; the study of grammar can make you speak more clearly and with greater confidence.